Am I guaranteed to pass the NASM Certification Exam with this course?
While we cannot guarantee that you will pass, you will be happy to know that we pride ourselves in doing everything we possibly can to put you in the absolute best position to pass the exam on the very 1st attempt!
What if I do not pass the NASM Certification Exam with this course?
In the event that you do not pass the exam, you can attend our next 8 week class for review of the material at no charge. We can discuss this in more detail if needed.
Do I need to have a CPR certification to take the Certification Exam?
Yes. A CPR certification with AED use is required to sit for the NASM Certification Exam.
Are there any prerequisites for the course?
The only requirement for the course is that you must be 18 years old upon sitting for the NASM Certification exam.
How soon do I need to enroll in the course?
You can still register for the course up until the first day of class. However, I would not delay to secure your spot as seats are limited to keep the classes intimate.
Can I purchase the course for someone else?
Yes. Enter your billing information on the Registration page to complete the transaction. We will contact you to confirm the name, email, and mailing address of the person enrolling in the course.
What happens after I register and pay for the program?
Once we receive confirmation of your payment, we will contact you on the same business day with the information you provided. We will coordinate with you to send your textbook and registration materials either in person or you can pick them during the orientation class.
What should I expect on the first day of class?
The first day of class is an orientation session. There, you will meet the instructor and your classmates, be introduced to the format of the course, fill out final paperwork, and ask any questions you still have. The orientation class does not count as one of the 8 in-person classes and will last about one hour.
Can I sit in on a class to see what it is like?
Sure! Just contact us to schedule a visit.
Will I have fun?
Absolutely! We always have a good time during class. Our classes always have great interaction and the instructors know how to make the information fun and understandable.